Child Surgery Guide - Dr Owais Rafiq
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Guide for adenoids surgery in children

What are adenoids?  These are a layer of tissue found at the posterior end of the nasal passage. They serve

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Setting up Your Kid for Surgery (Preschooler – 4-5 years)

As a parent, the prospect of your preschooler going through surgery can overpower you. It's normal to feel concerned and

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A Guide for Open Heart Surgery in Children

What's open heart surgery all about? An open heart surgery performed on a child is

Guide for congenital cataract surgery in children

What are congenital cataract ?  A cataract is any light scatterings opacity of the lens.

Guide for adenoids surgery in children

What are adenoids?  These are a layer of tissue found at the posterior end of

What is rhinoplasty?

Finding a nose line of work, or rhinoplasty, isn't just about further developing how your

What is tonsil surgery in children?

Tonsils are two small masses of tissue situated at the back of the throat, with

Setting up Your Kid for Surgery: Little child 1-3 Years

Setting up your little child for surgery can want to leave an amazing experience. As

Setting up Your Kid for Surgery (Preschooler – 4-5 years)

As a parent, the prospect of your preschooler going through surgery can overpower you. It's

Preparing Your Child for Surgery: Grade Schooler(6-12 Years)

Regarding setting up your grade-schooler (ages 6-12) for Surgery, moving toward the subject with responsiveness