keeping active - Dr Owais Rafiq
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keeping active

Inspiring Hope Guiding Health Changing one heart at a time

Regular Physical Activity (Keeping Active: Adults)

Regular Physical Activity is key for staying fit and feeling great. Unfortunately, many adults do not exercise regularly, which can

Editor's Top Picks

Exercises For Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint among adults that can significantly impact daily life. While rest might seem like the

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More form keeping active

Fitness Goals and Tracking Programme

Setting both extended and short-term Fitness Goals and Tracking Programme is necessary while starting the

Strength Training and Muscle Building

Strength Training and Muscle Building yield remarkable muscle gains and offer a holistic approach to

Regular Physical Activity (Keeping Active: Adults)

Regular Physical Activity is key for staying fit and feeling great. Unfortunately, many adults do

Cardiovascular Exercises for Adults

Incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your daily routine is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being,

Exercises For Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint among adults that can significantly impact daily life. While