No more beautiful sight can make a parent happier than seeing their child sleeping safely and soundly. Newborns while sleeping look so adorable, you can soak up their cute features, little hands, and toes. Hear those little snores and watch their cute open mouths while sleeping.
But hold on a second– don’t ignore the last feature. No doubt, babies sleeping with their mouths open look cute, but this can be a sign of a more serious underlying health issue.
Here is more what you should know about this issue, what you can do to help them, and when you should seek medical care. Let us together investigate why a newborn sleeps with mouth open.
Let’s get started!
What can cause Newborns to sleep with their mouths open
When a newborn sleeps with mouth open, there can be multiple reasons. Occasionally, sleeping with an open mouth is completely normal. Some babies develop this habit over time, so if it’s just a habit, it’s fine. Here are some common reasons for mouth breathing.
1. Allergies:
Newborn babies are unable to discuss their symptoms, so sometimes undiagnosed allergies can cause mouth breathing. If apparently everything is looking fine but your baby is still sleeping with an open mouth, then you should consult with a pediatrician.
2. Breathing Reflex Issues:
Newborns rely heavily on their natural reflexes to breathe properly. However, some babies may breathe with their mouths while they sleep because their respiratory reflexes are weak or underdeveloped.
Premature babies with specific neurological disorders may experience this. In certain situations, the baby’s reflexes can improve with time, or healthcare may be necessary.
3. Habit:
Sometimes, it can be a habit that newborns develop by themselves over time. For example, if newborns start breathing through their mouths during nasal congestion, they might continue this behavior after it clears.
In such cases, gently pushing the babies to close their mouths while sleeping is the only way to break this habit.
4. Congestion:
Chronic congestion is another reason that forces newborns to sleep with their mouths open. In this condition accumulated mucus blocks the nose and babies cannot breathe properly through their nose. Most of the time it happens due to colds, illness, and allergies as well.
Which Newborn sleeps with mouth open?
As mentioned, mouth breathing while sleeping occasionally does less harm, but persistent breathing can lead to underlying issues.
Many factors and reasons put a newborn at higher risk of developing the habit of sleeping with their mouths open. Understanding these factors is essential for seeking medical advice if necessary.
Here are some key factors.
➢ Enlarged tonsils or adenoids in infants:
These conditions can also make it difficult for babies to breathe through their cute noses.
If your newborn snores or has a problem while feeding, the baby may have enlarged tonsils and is more likely to breathe through his or her mouth at night.
➢ Poorly Ventilated or Dry Environments:
If your Newborn consecutively sleeps in a dry environment, the risk of mouth breathing can increase.
Nasal congestion develops in babies who live in poorly ventilated homes, making it difficult to breathe with their noses.
Check these symptoms if a newborn sleeps with mouth open:
Did you ever notice your child’s mouth breathing? It usually happens when a newborn watches TV, eats, or sleeps. You are not wrong if you think your baby will automatically get out of this habit when they grow up.
However, as a parent, you must look for signs of mouth breathing because the baby can not explain the situation.
● Dry Mouth or Cracked Lips:
Mouth breathing often leads to dry mouth. Babies who breathe with their mouths while sleeping may wake up with dry mouths and you will notice the cracks on their lips due to constant air exposure.
● Bad Breath:
Mouth breathing is also linked with bad breath; it sounds awkward, but it’s true. Mouth breathing reduces the production of salvia, which is essential for mouth cleaning. Without sufficient saliva, bacteria can grow fast, leading to bad breath.
When to seek immediate medical care if newborn sleeps with mouth open:
Mouth breathing is sometimes normal, but other signs can cause major health problems. It is your primary responsibility as a parent to be aware of such signs and get your child medical care right away.
Here are some situations you should not take too easily if your newborn sleeps with mouth open.
Pauses in Breathing (Apnea):
Apnea is a condition in which babies pause their breath for a very short time while sleeping.
Two main causes of apnea in newborns include swollen tonsils and adenoids. Premature babies also frequently experience it due to inadequate respiratory system development.
Excessive Snoring:
While snoring is seldom fine in newborn babies, it is a sign of airway obstruction or nasal blockage, if it’s too loud. So, if you notice this condition for a few consecutive days, consult a pediatrician because, in such a condition, medical treatment is essential.
Managing Newborns sleeping with mouth open at home.
Generally, mouth breathing is common, but when it reaches a specific point, it can become a serious health condition. If you see any severe symptoms, you should visit a doctor immediately. Otherwise, you can follow these things at home. Let’s explore them one by one.
1. Bulb syringe:
You will probably find it too difficult for your baby to breathe normally if he has a little mucus in the nose. You can remove it by using a bulb syringe. Before this procedure, ensure your bulb syringe is clean and gentle so it doesn’t hurt the little one.
2. Gentle massage:
This is another amazing remedy that you can try at home. Nicely massage your baby, especially around the nose; it will help improve circulation, relieve sinus congestion, and encourage nasal breathing.
3. Hydrate to Prevent Dryness:
Mouth breathing may result from throat dryness or dehydration. Whether you utilize formula or breast milk, make sure your child retains water on all occasions. Be cautious to keep your infants hydrated and to keep their airways wet.
Although it’s charming when a baby sleeps with its mouth open, it’s best to watch it carefully since this behavior often indicates a medical issue that needs to be treated. In the case of minor congestion, parents can assist their child in breathing easily by taking a few actions and using several home remedies. However, they should speak with their doctor or dentist to discuss the matter further if the issues become more serious.