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Measles, once considered a common childhood illness, has become a focal point of public health discussions, particularly in light of recent outbreaks in various parts of the world. This highly contagious viral infection, caused by the measles virus, poses significant health risks, especially for children. Understanding the disease, its symptoms, complications, and prevention strategies is crucial for parents and guardians to protect their children effectively.


Measles are one of the deadly diseases caused by a virus. It mostly has its impact on children because they are in the phase of their life in which their immunities are not fully developed and chances of getting such infections are extremely high. Measles have claimed so many lives whenever reoccurred. However, the strict actions taken against its proliferation and rapid immunization system helped globally to minimize its spread. All parents now need to know about its symptoms, causes, and prevention to help their kids fight against this viral infection.


Measles is a viral infection and threatening for children. It can spread though the droplets of an infected person into a healthy person via coughing, sneezing, breathing. Can be identified by the initial symptoms of fever and rashes in kids. It is common in children and can cause severe complications if not treated and managed well. It lives in the nose and throat of an infected person and can live up to several hours on the surface or in the air.


It spreads through the droplets of an infected person even by coughing, sneezing, and breathing as children have the weakest immunity. Hence, they are most likely to get infected on priority. The illness mainly affects children and can have serious consequences if not treated and controlled. Its germs can even stay in a room for two hours even if a person suffering from it has gone from that room. Its spread rate is high however its mutation rate is slow.

Measles is not aging dependent disease, it can happen to anyone at any age, but children are more vulnerable to this infection because of their weak immunity at growing stage of their life.

Measles is spread by,

  • Sharing drinks or food with someone with measles.
  • Touching objects or surfaces infected with the virus and then touching your eyes, face, or nose.
  • Getting close to someone with measles like hugging, shaking, and holding hands with them.
  • Babies can also get measles from their mothers during their pregnancy or during delivery.


Measles tends to develop after 10-14 days after being exposed to the virus or the specific pathogen. One of the first signs is having skin rashes that cover the body of the baby and typically last 5-6 days before they recede. However, other symptoms include


Early Symptoms Complicated symptoms
·         Runny nose ·         Ear infections
·         Red watery eyes ·         Dehydration
·         Cough ·         Severe diarrhea
·         White spots present on the child’s cheek ·         Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
·         Rashes on the body ·         Severe breathing problems including pneumonia

Kids with age less than five years are more vulnerable to such complications because of their fragile immunity and measles itself has the potential to weakens the immune system by making body forget how to perform the normal defense mechanism against the foreign invaders.


Any person who has a weak immunity due to underlying medical issue or not immune to measles because either they are un- vaccinated or vaccinated but didn’t develop any immunity are always at a risk of getting measles on the first priority. Similarly, adolescents and pregnant ladies are more vulnerable to measles.


There is no treatment option available for measles. Before immunization 400-500 people died every year because of measles. However, parents can manage this disease in children by keeping the following things under consideration for relieving symptoms and preventing complications.

Proper hydration: –

Staying hydrated is extremely essential in measles as, lots of fluid loss happens due to diarrhea and vomiting. Drinking enough water will flush out the virus from the body and will not cause weakness. So, parents should keep a track on their child’s drinking routine by setting an alarm reminder and handling them a bottle filled with water to finish it in a particular time.

Gargling with salt water: –

Measles can lead to sore throat and one can reduce this symptom by soothing their kid’s throat by using throat spray and by gargling through salt water every couple of hours. Lukewarm water with salt has the potential to kill germs in the throat.

Take vitamins properly: –

Measles can rapidly deplete vitamins from your child’s body specifically vitamin A. The most recommended treatment to manage measles is taking vitamin A regularly either through diet or through supplements. Kids low in vitamin A are more vulnerable to contracting measles with severe symptoms of eye damage and blindness. Other than that Vit D, C, and zinc are also important to have in this condition.

Get plenty of rest: –

Measles can cause severe weakness in your child’s body. So, it is better to make him/her keep doing rest as much as possible for the sake of their health as well as for those who come in contact with them when they are still contagious.

Soothe your eyes: –

Measles can affect the vision of your child’s eyes. Therefore, parents should ensure that their kid’s eyes are not exposed to harsh lights or use a cold or warm compress on the eye to comfort their kid.


The only way to make yourself and kids safe from measles is through regular immunization. Only vaccines are affective against viral diseases. On getting vaccinated in early age your kid will develop the lifetime immunity and will never contract measles ever in his/her lifespan. The available vaccines are,

  • MMR vaccine: Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine.
  • MMRV vaccine: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella vaccine.

For better results measles vaccines must be given to children at early age. Parents should take every opportunity to vaccinate their child. Although it is always better to be vaccinated at any given age as compared to not being vaccinated at all.




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