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Infant Nutrition

Why is Infant Nutrition so important?


An infant’s body is at its most fragile and anything out of order or not recommended by the doctor can cause significant issues that need immediate medical attention. To avoid any jump scares, it’s important to follow only what the doctors suggest regarding infant nutrition and move on from any “heard from a friend” theories. Before we jump into the “Why’s” let’s talk about the kinds of nutrients your baby needs in its daily eating schedule to keep their growth scales up and running.


Breast milk & baby formula VS Cow’s Milk – Which one is better?



Breast Milk & Formula Milk Cow’s milk
Proteins found in this type of milk vital for the growth, and repair of tissues in the body.


Can put infants at risk of deficiencies and anemia since it’s low on the much-needed vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin C and D
Carbs to gain superhuman energy Cow’s milk proteins (casein and whey) are hard for infants to digest
Lactose is the key for calcium absorption and healthy gut bacteria Infants may experience stubborn allergies
Rich in vitamins & minerals Under-developed kidneys of an infant struggle to process high levels of protein and minerals present in Cow’s milk, leading to dehydration and kidney stress.


Iron for healthy blood cells development Can cause microscopic internal bleeding in the intestines.
Causes gas, bloating, and diarrhea; some may also experience lactose intolerance.




When does a switch from Breast milk to Formula become necessary?

  1. Infants Without Mothers: It’s not always that the mother is available to feed the infant in unfortunate cases like death, abandonment, or any other unforeseeable circumstances. This is where infant formula becomes the go-to source of infant nutrition to ensure the baby’s growth and development even when the mother isn’t present.
  2. Mother falls sick: Being severely ill can make the mother stop breastfeeding. These illnesses can be anything from severe infections to postpartum complications, and chronic illnesses which can hinder her ability to provide adequate breast milk.
  3. Mother on Medications: As safe as you might think medications are, not all pass the test and some taken by the mother can pass into breast milk, potentially harming the infant. Here’s when formula feeding saves the day yet again to avoid exposing the baby to harmful substances.
  4. Mother with Tuberculosis (TB) or Direct Skin Diseases: Many new mothers suffer from active TB or other contagious skin diseases which can put breastfeeding totally out of the question in order to save the infant from contracting any disease.
  5. Mother with HIV/AIDS: An infant’s body acts like a sponge, meaning that it’s ready to soak in any virus transmission due to an underdeveloped immune system. So, in instances where safe and affordable alternatives are at hand, mothers with HIV/AIDS are encouraged to use baby formula instead of conventional breastfeeding.

  1. Low Milk Supply: It can sometimes be challenging for mothers to produce enough milk to meet their baby’s daily needs. Don’t worry though because we have great news for you! In today’s time, we have plenty of options and don’t have to rely on just one solution! In such cases, baby formula can complement nursing, ensuring that your little one gets the right nutrition, whether or not breast milk is available.
  2. Adoptive parents: For parents celebrating providing a new home to their baby, infant formula provides a reliable means of feeding and nourishing the latest addition to their family when breastfeeding is not an option.
  3. Personal or Lifestyle Factors: The cultural shame attached to formulas doesn’t automatically make it a bad option, since these safe alternatives can be the healthy go-to choice for some mothers who may choose not to breastfeed due to personal, work-related, or lifestyle reasons.tabulate in comparison

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