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Development Dysplasia of Hips: A Guide for the Parents

In children with DDH < development dysplasia of hips>, the ball at the top of the thigh bone is unstable within the socket. The ligaments of the hip joint that hold it together may also be loose. Sometimes, the hip may dislocate early in life, which may not be noticed until your child starts walking.

 Treatment for the Development Dysplasia of Hips usually involves

  • the use of a brace,
  • a nonsurgical procedure under sedation or
  • an operation to correct the dysplasia and hip position.

TO KNOW IF YOUR CHILD Have Development Dysplasia of Hips:

There are several indicators that the parents can pick up that might help in the early detection of the Development Dysplasia of Hips:

  1. Stiff hip joint.
  2. Has legs of different lengths.
  3. Lean to the affected side while walking
  4. Has an outwards turning of the leg on the affected side
  5. Uneven skin folds in their groin and thighs.

Also, Check: metatarsus adductus

WHAT CAUSES of Development Dysplasia of Hips (DDH):

To facilitate the delivery of the baby through the mother’s pelvis, pregnant women secrete hormones into their bloodstream that help the ligaments relax. A portion of these chemicals might enter the child’s blood, which might make the child’s tendons loose, too; this can cause the hip joint to freeze in the attachment.

 The way the baby lies in the uterus can also cause the hip to dislocate. DDH is more common in girls, firstborns, babies born in breech positions, and families where siblings or parents already have a dislocated hip. DDH can be in one or both hips.

HOW IS A DISLOCATED Development Dysplasia of Hips:

More often than not, an exhaustive actual assessment of the kid is adequate to make the finding, particularly in a separated hip. An ultrasound assessment would provide a clear diagnosis in a smaller child if the hip is loose and still lies within the socket.

 Suppose your child is more than four months of age and developmental dysplasia of the hip is suspected. In that case, a plain radiograph of the hip is preferred to ultrasonography.


It is important to check and treat DDH as early as possible. If DDH is not treated, the child may develop a painless limp while walking, may walk on their toes, or may develop a waddling gait. In time, joint inflammation might be fostered in untreated hip joints, which might become difficult.

Also, Check: hay fever

What treatment options are available for Development Dysplasia of Hips?

Treatment choices for the Development Dysplasia of Hips are different and rely on the seriousness and age of the youngster and fluctuate from braces to shut decrease/open decrease and medical procedure to thigh or pelvic bone if the condition is analyzed late.

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