Blog - Dr Owais Rafiq
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Inspiring Hope Guiding Health Changing one heart at a time

What is rhinoplasty?

Finding a nose line of work, or rhinoplasty, isn't just about further developing how your nose looks; it's a blend

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When your child has a Leg length discrepancy

Has your young not entirely set in stone to have a leg length discrepancy? Leg length discrepancy is often the

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Color blindness in children is a condition in which a child cannot see colors in the usual way. They cannot

Causes of sleepwalking in children

Sleepwalking is a common sleep disorder occurs among children. Sleepwalking is more dominant among the children between the age group

Childhood Dengue: Prevention and Treatment

The Impact of Dengue on Children's Health Dengue fever is viral illness which is often mostly in children and the

Open Heart Surgery in Children

What's open heart surgery all about?An open-heart surgery performed on a child is somewhat different depending on the size of the

Guide for congenital cataract surgery in children

What are congenital cataract ? A cataract is any light scatterings opacity of the lens. It is estimated that congenital cataracts

Managing screen time in children: healthy screen usage (all ages)

Our society is becoming more reliant on technology, parents must control the magnitude of time children and young people spend

Guide for adenoids surgery in children

What are adenoids? These are a layer of tissue found at the posterior end of the nasal passage. They serve to

What is rhinoplasty?

Finding a nose line of work, or rhinoplasty, isn't just about further developing how your nose looks; it's a blend