Blog - Dr Owais Rafiq
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Inspiring Hope Guiding Health Changing one heart at a time

What is rhinoplasty?

Finding a nose line of work, or rhinoplasty, isn't just about further developing how your nose looks; it's a blend

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When your child has a Leg length discrepancy

Has your young not entirely set in stone to have a leg length discrepancy? Leg length discrepancy is often the

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

What are Vaccines?

Vaccines are one of the most remarkable achievements in the field of medicine, safeguarding millions of lives by preventing the

A Teenager’s Nutritional Needs (Nutrition & Growth Kidz Health)

Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and development, and teenagers need a well-balanced diet to support their changing bodies.

10 Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters (Dr. Owais Rafiq)

Feeding a picky eater can be a challenging task for parents, as children often develop strong food preferences and resist

Building Balanced Snacks to Feed to Toddlers (Dr. Maryum)

Toddlers are at a critical stage of growth and development and providing them with nutritious snacks is essential for their

Dietary Supplements for Toddlers (Dr. Maryum)

Parents always strive to provide optimal nutrition for their toddlers. While a balanced diet is crucial, dietary supplements can complement

Delicious Recipes: Fueling Growing Bodies

Providing nutritious and delicious meals for kids is essential for their growth and overall health. Here are a few recipe

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)

The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) is a widely recognized assessment tool used to measure the cognitive

Promote Gentle Behavior: Prevent Aggression

Promoting positive behavior and preventing aggression in young children is crucial for their social, emotional, and cognitive development. The first