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Dr Maryum Sohail

51 Articles

Inspiring Hope Guiding Health Changing one heart at a time

Circumcision in children

What is Circumcision in children During an infantic operation called circumcision, the foreskin—a covering fold of skin surrounding the tip

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management

Unfortunately, stress has recently become one of the most insistent companions with which numerous adults have to deal in the

Guide for congenital cataract surgery in children

What are congenital cataract ?  A cataract is any light scatterings opacity of the lens. It is estimated that congenital

What is rhinoplasty?

Finding a nose line of work, or rhinoplasty, isn't just about further developing how your nose looks; it's a blend

Feeding and Nutrition Tips for Your Toddler

Changing your 2-year-old from milk to solid food varieties is a significant sustenance achievement. Presenting various Feeding and Nutrition sources

Calcium: Teen Bone Builder (Nutrition & Growth Kids’ Health)

 Children must focus on nutrition as they grow. Calcium is important for teens. Teens need calcium for good bones and

Cut wounds

Kids are inclined to cut, brush, and gash because of their dynamic ways of life and ordinary exercises. As a

Meal Prep for busy parents: Smart Dieting Made Simple

Life as a bustling guardian can be furious, and carving out opportunities to get ready nutritious dinners can feel overpowering.

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